Saturday, September 17, 2005

Calm Before The (Tropical) Storm: Enter Ophelia

Tropical storm Ophelia is about to hit us later this afternoon, and into this evening. It's probably just going to be alot of rain and wind by the time it gets to the northern reaches for the province, as we get winter storms around here that have winds that blow harder than 90 km/h (55 MPH).

After Juan though, everyone is a little jittery here in Nova Scotia, so here's hoping that it is just like a typical fall storm...

Storm blogging will continue throughout the day...!

UPDATE 2:33 PM: I am located in the northeast section of the province of Nova Scotia, before the island of Cape Breton for those visiting from Mr. Foot's blog. Conditions right now: Light rain, gentle wind (10 MPH or less). Calm is over, things should get more stormy as the afternoon progresses...


At 3:36 PM, Blogger Foot's Forecast said...

Hello James! Thanks for posting your site, great blog, I like your irreverent approach!

On a totally different topic than weather forecasting, I am wondering what your thoughts are on the avian influenza pandemic concerns... specifically the H5N1 virus? Any talk of this where you are?

Now back to storms...I see we have a new TD, perhaps 2. The hits keep on coming. We should keep a close eye on them as the Canadian maritimes may see more storms before this season is out.

At 9:12 PM, Blogger James Shannon said...

Hey Mr. Foot,

Thanks for the comment! As for the bird flu, I think that it is inevitable. I've got my fingers crossed that (A) the mutation will not happen before a vaccine can be created and widely distributed and (B) that it will lose some of its ferocity in any mutations that happen. You will definitely see more deaths than a typical flu, but it won't approach 1918 levels due to improvements in medicine and diaster management protocol since 1918. Though with the horrible bungling of the Katrina response, my faith in FEMA has been lowered considerably. I think it also will be disruptive to everyday life, but once the worst passes, the economic impact will be no more than Katrina's economic impact.


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