Monday, November 19, 2007

"I'm So Sick Of Waiting! 2007 Is Going To Be The Year I'm Going To Go For It...!"

Over the last several months, I have been catapulted into a series of life-changing events:

  • My old laptop burst into flames in the middle of night in January, nearly incinerating me in my bedroom, leading me to question my direction in life.

  • I switched jobs to a stable, night-shift job, which allowed me to focus on starting to draft my career plans, as there are next to no distractions during the day (except for cute kittens jumping on your lap!)

  • I went out and got full gear, and started playing hockey once per week, just like I have always wanted to do since high school!

  • I picked up "Start Late, Finish Rich" by David Bach and proceeded to banish debt from my life and get started on building a nest egg. I sleep much better now!

  • I went on a week's vacation to BC, perservering through battery failures, locking my keys in my car, and badly misjudging distances. The soul-humbling scenery will keep me coming back for years to come!

  • I bought the book "The 4 hour work week" by Timothy Ferriss, and it has set me on the path to cutting out all the unimportant crap out of my life, setting up sources of passive income, and generally taking control of time in my career so I can realize my potential as a human being. A must read for anyone!

  • I got pushed into doing what I've been putting off for so long: starting up the consulting business I've always wanted to have. I presented on office ergonomics to management of my current job, and I will know by the end of the month whether I've got my very first client as a freelancer. Very exciting stuff!

I said to myself on New Year's Eve last year that 2007 was going to be the year that I was going to finally make it happen for myself, and look what's happened? In addition to my own ambition, it looks like The Big Guy Upstairs is looking out for me...


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