Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Hike Up Whistlers Mounatin

In the previous entry, I alluded to my inappropriate dress for the elevation that I was about to visit. At the top of the tram, the temperature was chilly 9c, compared to 21c at the base camp. As I began my climb to the summit, the wind began to blow, and clouds swirled in from the north. Rain began to fall, and then shortly after, the rain became mixed with ice pellets. At this point, I realized I had to turn back and get back to the chalet, or this impending storm would turn into a very bad situation for me!

Of note, picture #4 is the view towards the town of Jasper from an elevation of 2,242 metres, and picture #5 is the view down the tramway from the top (the tower at the bottom is actually just beyond the top of the mountain shown in the tramway picture in the previous blog entry!)


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