Friday, January 13, 2006

The Weber Inn In Ann Arbor Gets 2 Thumbs Up From The Jimmy!

The hotel that we stayed at in Ann Arbor was rather sweet. Had an indoor pool, hot tub, sauna, a poolside bar, and a pool table. A jukebox was also available to use according to our musical whims, and this was all accessable from a sliding patio door from most of the rooms in the hotel. Spiraling staircases gave those on the upper floors access to the pool deck; we were on the ground floor, so we just had to walk outside, and BAM! there we were!

The hot tub experience was to be repeated in each motel that we stayed at for the rest of the trip, and it has been a habit that has stayed with me here in Calgary, through weekly trips to Cardell Place (recreation centre in North Calgary) and 2 visits to the Banff Hot Springs!


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