Saturday, February 19, 2005

JSB + The Internet = A Good Reason To Be Alive

Hey all, I'm having a laidback weekend, taking it easy as I had a busy week. I went and saw Constantine just this afternoon. Keanu Reeves may not be the best actor on the face of the Earth, but the story line made up for it, good popcorn movie!

I'm currently listening to the JSB (Jimmy Swift Band) over the internet via, they have dozens of concerts on there catalogued, so check it out sometime (just type "jimmy swift band" in the search field on the main page) and prepare to be blown out of the water!!

Seriously, their new tunes are as dark as night and rockin, so if the band got stale on you after playing onwardthroughthefog stuff over the past year or so, these songs are like a breath of fresh air...!


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