Thursday, November 25, 2004

Passport Photo Day

It's a windy, rainy mess out there today, which will make it harder for me to get up off my butt and go to Port Hawkesbury. I'm headed over there later this afternoon to get my passport photos taken, which may come in handy if the border crossing guards have any doubt to my Canadian-ness (likely there's nothing to worry about, but you never know these days).

Afterwards, I'll be stopping by the bank to pick up a fax from my new landlord in Ann Arbor, MI. I have to do some reference checks I guess, same thing I had to do the last time I got an apartment, so it's standard procedure.

I just want to get moving to the next phase in my life, especially with the letdown that happened last time I was to take this intern job, back in August. It'll be tough leaving between the holidays, but the adventure of diving into uncharted territory and into a new job should make up for it, I hope.

Anyhow, that's all I gotta say right now, peace out...!


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