Sunday, December 05, 2004

Sydney Hijinks!

It's been a busy weekend, so I haven't had the the opportunity to sit down and write for any appropriate length of time, so here I am, finally! On Saturday, the whole family went up to Sydney, NS for the day to shop for Christmas (didn't manage to find any gifts I found suitable), and to visit with my brother Chris. We wandered around Mayflower Mall for about an hour and a half, after which we went to my bro's place, picking him up for lunch.

He took us out to this new restaurant on the Membertou Reserve (also a suburb of Sydney), which was located inside the band's new Trade and Convention Centre. The food was good, but it had a very conspicious design flaw: the washrooms were OUTSIDE the restaurant, a long way down a hallway with Native art. Kinda awkward to have to physically leave the restaurant to go track down a poorly signed and located washroom, and then have to walk back in again past a maitre 'd that might not remember you being a patron of the restaurant in the first place!

Later that evening, we took in a movie at the local multiplex. We all decided on National Treasure. Excellent choice! It stars Nicolas Cage as a direct descendant of some powerful Free Masons (you know, the guys who rule the world behind the scenes), who goes hunting for treasure that his predecessors hid more than 200 years previously. With plenty of action, a hot chick, guns, stuff blowing up, and a plethora of cool technology and gadgets being used, it's a must see in a holiday movie season full of overly Christmasy-type films!


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