Michigan's Bravaria, or Burgers, Burgers, and More Burgers!
We're making progress here! Now, I know I said last Monday that I would post on Tuesday, but look at it this way: the last time I said something like that, I didn't say anything for 2 months. This time, I did a better job overcoming inertia, posting again in only 1 week! Wow!!
As per my last post, I will fill you in on what I've been up to since May. Memorial Day Weekend, which takes place at the end of May, had me travel to, of all places, a German-themed village called Frankenmuth. It's home to the world's largest Christmas store, a covered bridge, and a bunch of overpriced gift shops. Disappointing, but that's what you get for not doing your research! When I got back that evening, my housemates had friends over and we had a bunch of BBQ and beer. Good times!
Canada Day/Independence Day weekend was another BBQ/drinking fest, starting off with burgers at VP Mike's house! The next day, I went over to James East's (Kent and I drilled and dug holes for his deck back on a rainy day in June, so this was the big-time payoff!) house for a Canada Day blowout! More burgers, more hotdogs, chips, beer (I'm in excellent physical shape right now if you can believe it), capped off by lawn volleyball and fireworks (set off by people in the next subdivision over; these were full-size fireworks, not the small roman candle variety) in the evening.
Next post: James treks through Detroit ... at night!
Stay tuned...