This Blog Entry = The Product Of A Bored Mind
Well here I am again, posting on my blog when I'm at work! Yeah I know what y'all are thinking, what a slacker! Partly true, I've been distracted much more since I finished writing and editing a report mid-week, but I've also been reading up on the recommendations database big-time as well, so at least I'm trying NOT to do nothing!
So, my engine light is back on again. Yes, the blue rocket just won't stop crying and complaining these days, so I guess I'm gonna have to sink ANOTHER couple hundred bucks into her!
On the good side of things, the weekend's here again. Probably gonna go out to a different bar than I did two weekends ago, thinking about the Cavern Club on South 1st Street this time. $1 Pabst Blue Ribbon!!
TGIF everybody!